
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Catholic Moms Connect with Marie Bellet

Marie Bellet is a wife, mother of 9 and a Catholic singer/songwriter. Her fifth CD was recently released titled Everything Changes. The CD is described  on her website as "This is not Marriage and Family 101 anymore! A few years further along, these songs reflect the changes wrought by launching kids out into the culture wars, learning not to take troubles personally, rolling with reality and resting in the rhythm of perseverance. Authentic and organic, this collection is an essential companion for those beginning to suspect that, in this grand adventure, everything changes."

Catholic Moms Connect talked with Marie today about her new CD and living as a Catholic Mom in today's world. Below is an audio only interview.

                                               Click below to hear our interview:

Below is a video of Marie's song Ordinary Time. Ordinary Time was Marie's second CD.

Click HERE for Marie's Music at her Online Store
 The Bellet Family
Bill and Marie married 25 years, proud parents of 8 sons and 1 daughter ages 23 to 6 years old.
Blessed to be Catholic and living the faith in Tennessee.

1 comment:

  1. Great interview! Thanks for starting this blog, it looks wonderful.
