
Monday, October 20, 2014

Raising Kids Catholic

Mom and Grandma Louise Ziarnowski spoke at our last Moms meeting on raising kids Catholic.  She shared tips on teaching the Catholic Faith and keeping kids balanced.  She explained their family motto, her approach to discipline, how she took care of herself, and more.

Here's another example of a family motto:

J: Put JESUS first
O: OTHERS second

Do you have a family motto? Comment below  or email us at

Click here if you are not yet subscribed to our blog.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Today is the Feast day of St. Martha.  Every mom can relate to the struggle Martha feels.  Check out today's gospel from John 11:19-27. 

JN 11:19-27

Many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary
to comfort them about their brother [Lazarus, who had died].
When Martha heard that Jesus was coming,
she went to meet him;
but Mary sat at home.
Martha said to Jesus,
“Lord, if you had been here,
my brother would not have died.
But even now I know that whatever you ask of God,
God will give you.”
Jesus said to her,
“Your brother will rise.”
Martha said to him,
“I know he will rise,
in the resurrection on the last day.”
Jesus told her,
“I am the resurrection and the life;
whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live,
and anyone who lives and believes in me will never die.
Do you believe this?”
She said to him, “Yes, Lord.
I have come to believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God,
the one who is coming into the world.”

How do I know this is Martha's Feast Day? I know because I have been trying to be very disciplined in my daily prayer life.  A few weeks ago I committed (I should say re-committed) to spend my first cup of coffee in prayer with Jesus.  I read the daily gospel and readings through my phone app and then start a Rosary (usually the first half and I finish the rest throughout the day).  Today I was so happy to see this gospel message - it's one of my favorites.

I must tell you, moms, that my day is radically different now.  Not radical in earthly terms (no, I don't get super-charged to clean my entire house or my kids cease to fight), but in heavenly terms.  The grace and peace I feel throughout my day is hard to describe, and it is life-changing.   I feel more patient. I feel more loving, more forgiving. I make better choices centered around what God wants me to do, not what I want to do.  God is so good - He gives me all of this grace and peace when I simply and humbly lay my day at his feet first thing each morning and say, "Here I am Lord, help do your will."

Are you reading the gospel daily? If not, start today!

Bookmark the USCCB Daily Readings:

Download an APP for your phone or tablet:

Purchase a daily meditation book:


Back to Martha...check out the inspiring reflection for all moms on the Laudate App.  What a great reminder to spend time with our Lord each day.

BTW, want to start a Moms Group? It can be as simple as getting a group of women together each week and reflect on the gospel reading.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday & Easter Project for Little People

Catholic Mom Lacy Rabideau at Catholic Icing has the best and easiest craft projects (I need easy!).

We don't always follow the directions perfectly but it always seems to work out.  This morning we combined The Last Supper Project  with the Resurrection Set so we can see it all at one glance and help the kids better understand what happened each day leading up to Easter.

The boys (ages 8,6,4) have been talking and asking questions about the Jesus, the crucifixion, the Resurrection, and the 12 apostles while coloring and cutting.  Thanks for making it so easy, Lacy!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Bitter or Better

Every Cross Can Make You Either Bitter or Better

Kathy Skipper spoke at the Niagara Falls Catholic Moms Group on April 5, 2014. Listen to her amazing witness below.

(If you have trouble opening the audio, click here and try again.)

Kathleen Skipper is a Registered Nurse, a writer, a lecturer and mentor for the bereaved.  She holds a B.S. in Human Services. Kathleen worked as a labor and delivery nurse for twenty four years before founding Caring Arms in 199 (an in hospital perinatal bereavement program). She conducted perinatal bereavement conferences for physicians, nurses and staff in area hospitals on an on-going basis. Besides facilitating five support groups she did one-on-one care for parents who chose to carry their babies with lethal anomalies. In addition, she was the Bereavement Coordinator in a local hospital before retirement. Today she is a part of the Bereavement Team and Outreach at St. Christopher Parish.

Along with many articles, a Patient Care Guide, she authored A Rose is God’s Autograph, a story about the loss of her two sons.  Recently she was published in “They Were Still Born”, a collection of parent stories and medical information for parents who have experienced stillbirth.

Kathleen received the N.Y.S. Nurse of Distinction Award twice from her health care system and the C.A.R.E. Award from the Catholic Health System.

She continues to lecture and mentor on behalf of the bereaved.

She has three living children, seven grandchildren, and one great-grandson.

Bella and Sarah read Mary's Way of the Cross at the end of the meeting as well.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Only Through The Power Of The Holy Spirit

Christie Mombrea, Catholic Mom and Founder of Forgiven and Set Free Healing Ministry in Niagara Falls, spoke at our Moms meeting this past Saturday, March 8th.  She shared the inspiring story of the Holy Spirit working in her life, and encourages all women to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and step out.  

You can listen to a recording of her talk by clicking the video below (go here if the video doesn't appear below).

Niagara Falls Catholic MOMs Group
Join us for breakfast, faith and fellowship from 9:30 am – 11 am in the Dining Room at the Parish Ministry Center 2748 Military Rd, Niagara Falls.  Babysitting available.  Contact Sarah at 957-2410 for more information. The NFC Mom’s group is designed to support and connect mothers raising Catholic families. Our goal is to offer community and resources to help us all be happier, healthier and holier moms.  Upcoming meetings include Sat, April 5th (in the church), May 10th and June 14th.

Christie's Ideas For Raising Pro Life Children
1)    Make it a daily occurrence in your house to pray for families/babies
--Who/What to pray for: moms in difficult situations/ sick babies/
scared Moms (mention Mary having nothing for Jesus)

2) Purchase a poster of human development and show your kids the beauty
 (Biology 101--$1)


3)   Spiritually adopt a baby for 9 months

 “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of [baby’s name] the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.”
- Prayer of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

4) Donate to Summit Life Outreach Center

Upcoming dates: April 26, May 31, June 28. Silently and prayerfully after Mass we process to the local abortion clinic to pray the rosary for mothers, fathers, their unborn children and the ultimate end to abortion.

6) 40 Days for Life Diocesan info:

Holy Spirit by Bryan & Katie Torwalt

(click title above if the video doesn't come through)

Verse 1:
There's nothing worth more
That could ever comes close
Nothing can compare
You're our living Hope
Your presence Lord
Verse 2:
I've tasted and seen
Of the sweetest of love
When my heart becomes free
And my shame is undone
Your presence Lord
Holy Spirit You are welcome here
Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
Your glory God is what our hearts long for
To be overcome by Your presence Lord.
Let us become more aware of Your presence
Let us experience the glory of Your goodness

Come Holy Spirit Prayer
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spiritand they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. 

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Forgiven and Set Free

We apology for re-posting this blog.  The original was posted in 2013. We are experiencing some technical issues.

This past Friday morning I attended the Mom's meeting at St. Gregory the Great.  Oh was amazing.

Christie did a beautiful job sharing some thoughts on Confession and the 'Woman at the Well'.  

“But whoever drinks the water I give will never be thirsty; no, the water I give shall become a fountain within, leaping up to provide eternal life.” 
                                                                                    ~John 4:14

One of the moms in the group, Jocelyn, had painted this picture for a day of reflection. 

...Heard a song by Casting Crowns - 'The Well'  

...then an amazing witness from a post-abortive woman.  

...Christie Mombrea, founder of the 'Forgiven and Set Free' Ministry shared her story of God calling her to do more for others who are hurting from their past choices.  She needed signs...and God gave them to her!

For more information on this ministry, please visit 
Help us get the word out!  Over 54 million abortions in the United States alone which means there are millions of women who needed to be forgiven and set free.

... We heard The Stations of the Cross through Mary's eyes.

...had time with other moms.

...and time for sharing prayer requests. 

An inspiring morning.

If you don't have a Catholic Mom's Group in your area, please consider starting one. We'll help you every step of the way.  Ducks need other ducks!

Ideas To Prepare You (And Your Family) For Lent

(Click here to view this in your browser.)

Ideas to prepare you (and your family) for Lent:

  • Figure out what you are "giving up" or "taking on". Click here for a fun list of ideas. We also like the 1-1-1 plan at Our Sunday Visitor (one sin; one give-up; one add-on).
  • Use a Lenten countdown calendar of some kind (Lacy at Catholic Icing shares some great ideas for kids such as "print my calendar, make a paper chain, count almsgiving pennies, use a crown of thorns".
  • Attend an Ash Wednesday service.   
  • Read the gospel message daily - click here for USCCB Daily Readings or use a smart phone app such as Laudate.
  • Receive a daily Lent meditation by email from Fr. Gaitley and/or Fr. Barron - both are fantastic!
  • Listen to a Lighthouse CD each week as a family (These titles are great for teens and young adults)
  • Plan your meatless-Friday meals for Lent together.  Find new recipes and cook them together. 
  • Try to pray the Stations of the Cross every Friday.   
    Will be held during the Fridays of Lent, beginning 3-
    7-14, at the Prince of Peace site at 1:30pm with the 
    school children and at 7pm. Living Stations will be 
    held on March 14 and March 28 at 1:30pm with the 
    school children. Lifelong Faith Formation children 
    will hold a Living Stations on April 11th at 7pm
  • Pray the Rosary (especially the sorrowful mysteries during lent). Never prayed the rosary together as a family? Start with one decade and work your way to more.
  • Start a 6-week Study Group in your home. Contact us for ideas.
  • Make a good Confession before Easter. Check your parish for Confession times.
  • Check out the new movie Son of God at a theater near you.
  • Listen to this interview with 3 great Catholic dads who share what they were doing for Lent.
 2 min video below from Our Sunday Visitor

For more ideas visit last year's CMC post.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Catholic Mom Amy Blair: Change of Heart About The Eucharist

This past Saturday at our Moms meeting here in Niagara Falls, NY
Amy Blair shares the story of her search 
to understand the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.  
As a second grade teacher, 
Amy was expected to prepare her students for First Holy Communion.  
But ironically God was calling her to become the student.
What she learns in her own classroom changes everything.  

(Witness talk: about 30 min)

Monday, January 6, 2014

New Years Resolution ~ in ONE WORD

True confessions-

I am a New Years Resolution failure.

Every year in December I think of all these great habits I should acquire and over the Christmas break I fantasize about how once it is January I will FOR SURE go to the gym EVERY DAY (even though I never go now) and guess what? Life happens, and the resolutions don't.

I'm so grateful to my mother-in-law for telling me about a new way to make a New Years Resolution ~ just find ONE WORD. That one word is the key to improvement for the New Year in a way that will work. An example best demonstrates it:

Let's say your ONE WORD is HEALTHY.

Write your ONE WORD on the fridge, the bathroom mirror, the computer as a reminder of your ONE WORD.

Then each day, do something toward that word. If your word is healthy, maybe today it means you take a long walk.  Maybe tomorrow the schedule is crammed and you can't walk, so you have a salad for lunch instead of a Big Mac. The next day you make a vegetable soup for your family. The following day all the stars line up and you actually make it to spin class. The next day, you have a ton of errands to run, so you park your car really far from the entrance of the stores to get extra walking in. Then next day, you are at the office and you decide to take the stairs to the 6th floor.

Get it? On any day, no matter what the schedule or demands, you can do something toward your ONE WORD.

Now, let's look at a couple other potential words and suggestions on how to grow in that habit or virtue:

Host a coffee at your house.
Have milk and cookies ready when the kids get home from school.
Smile at a stranger.
Help an elderly person get into church.

Go to daily mass.
Pray 10 minutes in the early morning.
Read the gospel.
Love your husband.

Taking a deep breath and letting the toddler do it his way, instead of doing it for him.
Taking a deep breath before I explain to the teenager for the 20th time why he can't go to a party.
Waiting in a car line and saying a prayer instead of gunning my engine.
Bearing illness joyfully instead of complaining.
Praying for the clerk in the long grocery line who probably feels all the glares from all those in front and behind you.
Cleaning the kitchen (again).

So if you want to do the ONE WORD resolution this year, please post a comment on the blog on your WORD and some ideas on how you are going to live it!